Thousands of professionals Maximized Their Organization’s Impact and Attained Unparalleled Excellence Through Our E-learning!

Capa University

At CapaUniversity, we’re committed to elevating the value and performance of non-profit organizations. We specialize in empowering executives, board members, and leaders like you to drive transformative change and achieve excellence. Our meticulously crafted live-hosted courses cater to the unique challenges and opportunities within the nonprofit sector.

Where Should We Begin?

Dive into our Array of Specialized Courses

Managing for Inclusivity: A Roadmap for Organizational Success

Have you ever wondered how to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels empowered?
Our three-part series introduces fundamental principles crucial for fostering inclusive environments and nurturing restorative organizational cultures. Explore building a language library, practicing self-awareness for trust, and mastering feedback dynamics vital for organizational success.
$747 $950

Leadership Rootwork: Your Success Depends on Your Mindset

Embark on a transformative journey to embrace vulnerability and foster a growth-oriented mindset through our two-part training. This course provides the roadmap to cultivating a growth mindset, fostering dedication, effort, and an open perspective. Through engaging discussions, purposeful activities, and guided self-reflection, you’ll acquire an arsenal of strategies designed to elevate motivation, fortify resilience, and pave the way for both personal and organizational success.
$500 $298

Understanding the Fundamentals of Social Media in Health Care Industry

In the world of social media, one size doesn’t fit all. In this meticulously crafted three-part course, delve into the intricate landscape of social media, understanding how tailored strategies can revolutionize your organization’s outreach. Gain invaluable insights, hands-on techniques, and personalized methodologies honed specifically for your organization’s distinct goals. Discover the power of effective communication and connection across various digital platforms. Elevate your organization’s digital footprint and harness the potential of social media for tangible and remarkable organizational growth.

$450 $680

Effective Communication Strategies for Organizational Success

Do you want to improve your ability to communicate with finesse and confidence, even in high-pressure situations? This course is a comprehensive journey where you’ll refine your skills in articulating tailored messages, master interview control techniques, and learn strategic planning essentials. By the end of this course, you’ll emerge as a poised and impactful spokesperson for your organization.
$500 $298

Why Choose CapaUniversity?

Tailored Expertise for Non-Profit Success

Our live courses are meticulously curated to address the intricate needs of nonprofits in the US. Led by seasoned industry professionals, each session is finely crafted to equip you with indispensable skills that directly impact your organization’s growth and success.

Connect, Learn, & Be Certified!

Live Interactive Sessions

Engage in live, interactive sessions hosted by industry leaders.

Tailored for Non-Profits

Relevance to your industry challenges ensures direct applicability.

Live Interactive Sessions

Engage in live, interactive sessions hosted by industry leaders.

Networking Opportunities

Collaborate and connect with like-minded professionals.

Certification upon Completion

Validate your newfound expertise.

Ask Anything, Learn Everything...

Whether it’s about leadership strategies, team dynamics, or organizational growth, we are ready to answer your questions and provide insights tailored to your unique personal and organizational goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all staff members in direct service or administrative roles within nonprofit or social service organizations can benefit from CapaUniversity courses.
No, there are no prerequisites. Participants are encouraged to join based on their interest and belief in the course’s capacity to enhance their professional skills.
Participants will acquire new knowledge, resources, and methodologies applicable to their everyday practices.
The courses address common challenges nonprofit organizations face, drawing from over 120 years of combined industry experience.
Courses comprise a mix of lectures and interactive activities, some requiring pre-course completion for adequate preparation.
Yes, certifications are provided upon completion.
Subject Matter Experts and facilitators possess over 10+ years of experience relevant to the course content, many holding postgraduate or doctoral degrees.
Courses are delivered interactively via commonly used virtual platforms, ensuring accessibility and flexibility.