Empower Your Organization with Valuable Resources

Enhance your strategies, innovate processes, and inspire your team with our collection of transformative materials.

Organizational DevelopmentResource Book and Links

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for organizational development, including leadership,
culture, strategy, employee engagement, and change management, and can provide valuable insights and
guidance for organizations looking to enhance their performance and effectiveness.
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Harvard Business Review

Provides insightful articles, case studies, and expert analysis on various aspects of organizational development, leadership, management, and strategy.
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Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Offers a wealth of resources, including articles, research reports, tools, and templates, to help HR professionals and organizations enhance their human capital management practices.
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McKinsey & Company Insights

Provides a range of insights, reports, and articles on organizational strategy, leadership, change management, and other relevant topics based on McKinsey’s research and expertise.
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Gallup Workplace

Offers research-based insights and tools to help organizations improve employee engagement, enhance leadership effectiveness, and optimize their workplace culture.
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Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)

Offers leadership development resources, assessments, and programs to help individuals and organizations develop effective leadership skills and drive organizational change.
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The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization

-Peter M. Senge

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Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't

-Jim Collins

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Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

-Daniel H. Pink

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Organizational Culture and Leadership

-Edgar H. Schein

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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

-Sheryl Sandberg

Essential Resources and Links for Non-Profit Organizations

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for nonprofit organizations, including financial management, fundraising, governance, leadership, and strategic planning, and can provide valuable insights and guidance for organizations striving to make a positive impact in their communities.
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Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF)

Provides valuable resources, including articles, webinars, and tools, to help nonprofit organizations strengthen their financial management practices, access capital, and achieve long-term sustainability.
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Offers access to comprehensive data on nonprofit organizations, including financial information, mission statements, and programmatic impact, to help donors, funders, and nonprofits make informed decisions.
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Offers resources, tools, and training to help nonprofit boards strengthen their governance practices, build effective board-staff partnerships, and fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
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Nonprofit Quarterly

Provides in-depth analysis, commentary, and articles on key issues facing the nonprofit sector, including governance, leadership, fundraising, and advocacy.
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Chronicle of Philanthropy

Offers news, trends, and resources for nonprofit professionals and fundraisers, covering topics such as fundraising strategies, donor relations, and nonprofit leadership.
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The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change

-Beth Kanter and Allison H. Fine

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Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals

-Darian Rodriguez Heyman

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The Essential Fundraising Handbook for Small Nonprofits

-Kirsten Bullock

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The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging

-Charles H. Vogl

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Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity

-Mario Morino

YouTube Channels and Podcast Essential for Nonprofit Organizations

These YouTube channels and podcasts offer valuable insights, resources, and expert advice for nonprofit organizations seeking to enhance their effectiveness, sustainability, and impact in their communities. Whether it's learning about fundraising strategies, governance best practices, or leveraging technology for social good, these resources can provide inspiration and guidance for nonprofit leaders and professionals.
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Nonprofit Hub

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The Chronicle of Philanthropy

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Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)

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Essential resources for organizational leadership

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for organizational leadership, including leadership development, team dynamics, emotional intelligence, and change management, and can provide valuable insights and guidance for leaders striving to inspire and empower their teams to achieve excellence.

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Harvard Business Review - Leadership Section

Offers a wealth of articles, case studies, and expert insights on various aspects of leadership, including leadership development, communication, decision-making, and organizational culture.
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Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)

Provides research-based insights, tools, and programs to help leaders develop their leadership skills, navigate complex challenges, and drive organizational change.
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MindTools - Leadership Skills

Offers a wide range of resources, including articles, videos, and quizzes, to help leaders develop essential leadership skills such as communication, delegation, decision-making, and conflict resolution.
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Forbes - Leadership Section

Provides articles, interviews, and insights from industry leaders and experts on topics such as leadership trends, innovation, diversity, and organizational strategy.
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McKinsey & Company - Leadership & Organization Insights

Offers research, articles, and reports on leadership and organizational development topics, including leadership effectiveness, talent management, and organizational design.
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Leadership: In Turbulent Times

-Doris Kearns Goodwin

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Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't

-Simon Sinek

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

-Patrick Lencioni

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Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

-Daniel Goleman, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Annie McKee

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Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading

-Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky

Essential Resource for organizational capacity building

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for organizational capacity building, including financial management, strategic planning, board governance, fundraising, and leadership development, and can provide valuable insights and guidance for nonprofits seeking to strengthen their impact and sustainability.
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The Bridgespan Group

Offers articles, tools, and case studies focused on nonprofit management, strategy, fundraising, and organizational effectiveness.
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National Council of Nonprofits

Provides resources, best practices, and advocacy tools for nonprofit organizations on topics such as governance, advocacy, fundraising, and compliance.
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Offers free online courses, webinars, and resources covering various aspects of nonprofit management, including leadership, fundraising, program development, and volunteer management.
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Provides resources, training, and tools to help nonprofit boards strengthen their governance practices, improve board performance, and support organizational capacity building.
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GrantSpace by Candid

Offers resources, training, and tools to help nonprofit organizations develop grant writing skills, understand funding opportunities, and build relationships with funders.
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Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability

-Jeanne Bell, Jan Masaoka, and Steve Zimmerman

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Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability

-John C. Camillus, Jean-Louis Barsoux, and Peter B. Robinson

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The Sustainability Mindset: Using the Matrix Map to Make Strategic Decisions

-Steve Zimmerman and Jeanne Bell

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The Five Elements of Effective Thinking

-Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird

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The Lean Nonprofit: Advancing Mission and Impact through Agile Management

-Jacob Harold and Beth Kanter

Essential resources for organizational fund development and fundraising

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for organizational fund development and fundraising, including donor relations, campaign planning, communication strategies, and fundraising best practices, and can provide valuable guidance and insights for nonprofits seeking to increase their fundraising effectiveness and sustainability.
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Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)

Offers resources, training, and networking opportunities for fundraising professionals, including articles, webinars, and best practices guides.
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Chronicle of Philanthropy

Offers news, trends, and resources for fundraising professionals, including articles, reports, and fundraising guides.
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Network for Good

Provides fundraising software, tools, and resources to help nonprofits attract donors, manage fundraising campaigns, and measure impact.
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Giving USA

Provides research, reports, and analysis on philanthropic giving trends in the United States, offering valuable insights for fundraising planning and strategy development.
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Charity Navigator

Offers resources and tools to help donors make informed giving decisions, including charity ratings, financial metrics, and nonprofit evaluation reports.
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Fundraising Principles and Practice

-Adrian Sargeant and Jen Shang

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Donor-Centered Fundraising

-Penelope Burk

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The Fundraiser's Guide to Irresistible Communications: Real-World, Field-Tested Strategies for Raising More Money

-Jeff Brooks

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The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution: Powerful Revenue Strategies to Take You to the Next Level

-Laurence A. Pagnoni

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The Zen of Fundraising: 89 Timeless Ideas to Strengthen and Develop Your Donor Relationships

-Ken Burnett

Essential resources for organizational communication and marketing

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for organizational communication and marketing, including brand messaging, content creation, social media marketing, digital advertising, and user experience design, and can provide valuable guidance and insights for organizations seeking to enhance their marketing effectiveness and reach their target audiences more effectively.
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Offers a wide range of resources, including articles, guides, templates, and webinars, covering various aspects of inbound marketing, content creation, social media marketing, and customer relationship management.
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Content Marketing Institute (CMI)

Offers insights, best practices, and resources for content marketing professionals, including articles, research reports, and webinars.
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Social Media Examiner

Provides tips, tutorials, and resources for social media marketers, covering topics such as platform updates, advertising strategies, content creation, and analytics.
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Offers social media management tools, resources, and insights to help organizations plan, publish, and analyze their social media content effectively.
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Nielsen Norman Group

Offers research-based insights, usability guidelines, and best practices for user experience (UX) design, website usability, and digital communication strategies.
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Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

-Donald Miller

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Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age

-Jonah Berger

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Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

-Chip Heath and Dan Heath

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Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

-Ann Handley

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Digital Marketing for Dummies

-Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry

Essential resources for nonprofit accounting and finance

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for nonprofit accounting and finance, including financial management, budgeting, financial reporting, internal controls, and financial oversight, and can provide valuable guidance and insights for nonprofit leaders and financial professionals striving to ensure financial sustainability and accountability.
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Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF)

Provides articles, tools, webinars, and reports focused on nonprofit financial management, budgeting, cash flow analysis, and sustainability.
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BoardSource - Financial Oversight

Provides resources, templates, and guides for nonprofit board members on financial oversight responsibilities, financial policies, and financial performance monitoring.
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Charity Navigator - Financial Health

Provides guidance on assessing nonprofit financial health, understanding financial ratios, and interpreting financial statements to make informed giving decisions.
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National Council of Nonprofits - Financial Management

Offers resources, templates, and tools for nonprofit financial management, including budgeting guides, financial policies, and grant management resources.
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GuideStar - Nonprofit Finance Resources

Offers resources, articles, and guides on nonprofit finance topics such as financial transparency, budgeting, financial reporting, and IRS Form 990.
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Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations: Policies and Practices

John Zietlow, Jo Ann Hankin, and Alan Seidner

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Nonprofit Accounting & Financial Statements: Overview for Board, Management, and Staff

-CPA Steven M. Bragg

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Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities

-Earl R. Wilson, Jacqueline L. Reck, and Susan C. Kattelus

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Nonprofit Financial Planning Made Easy

-Jody Blazek

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Financial Intelligence for Nonprofit Managers: Understanding the Numbers

-John Floccare and Jim Ballard

Essential resources for data collection, reporting, and management

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for data collection, reporting, and management, including data analysis, data visualization, survey design, and strategic data-driven decision-making, and can provide valuable guidance and insights for organizations seeking to leverage data effectively to drive impact and achieve their goals.
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Provides access to a wide range of datasets from various government agencies, offering valuable resources for research, analysis, and decision-making.
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Offers online survey tools and resources for designing, distributing, and analyzing surveys to collect valuable feedback and data from stakeholders.
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Google Analytics

Offers website analytics tools and insights to track website traffic, user behavior, and performance metrics, helping organizations understand and optimize their online presence.
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Tableau Public

Offers data visualization software and resources for creating interactive and shareable data visualizations, dashboards, and reports to communicate insights effectively.
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Offers experience management software and tools for collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer, employee, and stakeholder feedback to drive business outcomes.
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Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking

-Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett

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Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals

-Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

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Data Strategy: How to Profit from a World of Big Data, Analytics, and the Internet of Things

-Bernard Marr

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Data-Driven Nonprofits

-Steve MacLaughlin

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Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

-Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

Essential resources for data collection and evaluation

These resources cover a wide range of topics essential for data collection and evaluation, including evaluation theory, methods, frameworks, and ethical considerations, and can provide valuable guidance and support for practitioners seeking to design and implement effective evaluations.
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The American Evaluation Association (AEA)

Offers resources, webinars, conferences, and publications focused on evaluation theory, practice, methods, and ethics.
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Offers a range of resources, guides, and tools to support evaluation planning, implementation, and use, including evaluation frameworks and case studies.
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Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Evaluation Resources

Provides resources, tools, and guidelines for conducting evaluations in public health programs, including evaluation frameworks, data collection instruments, and reports.
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National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE)

Offers evaluation resources, reports, and tools focused on improving education programs and policies through rigorous evaluation methods.
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Evaluation Portal

Provides a comprehensive directory of evaluation resources, including journals, databases, organizations, and online courses.
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Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches

-John W. Creswell

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Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and Tools for Self-Assessment and Accountability

-David M. Fetterman

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Evaluation Foundations Revisited: Cultivating a Life of the Mind for Practice

-Marc A. Zimmerman

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Outcome Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs

-Sarah Earl, Fred Carden, and Terry Smutylo

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The Program Evaluation Standards: A Guide for Evaluators and Evaluation Users

-Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation